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CALL FOR ENTRY 你們的故事募集拍攝計劃

20 August - 20 September 2021




There are three stages in life: Seeing yourself, Seeing all living beings, Seeing heaven and earth.*

There are also three stages of love: Loving yourself, Loving your partner, Loving all living beings.


一直以來,Memes & Friends 以各種形式的項目與香港人重新定義自愛。這個夏天,我們邀請到香港攝影師 Eunice Li 合作邁向下一個階段,與大家一起探討「關係」,重新定義愛情。

Memes & Friends have been trying in various ways to explore what self love means to people here in Hong Kong. This summer, we have invited local photographer, Eunice Li, to partner with us in our quest to redefine what love means.



「我們無法靠自己一個人看透自己的一切,但在愛情裡,因為有欲望、要求、幻想和執著,我們的本性有機會原形畢露。愛情根本就是一面明鏡。」—— 素黑

“We cannot see everything about ourselves without the eyes of others. But when we are in love, everything about us, good or bad, are laid bare - our desires, needs, fantasies and standards. Being in love is like looking into a mirror.” - Su Hei


Every relationship is like a mirror. Can you see your deepest self when you are looking at that reflection?


*From the film The Grandmaster, Gong Er had a famous line, “My father would always say, people who practice martial arts go through three stages: seeing yourself, seeing the world, seeing all living beings. I have seen myself. I think I’ve seen the world, but it’s a shame I can’t see all living beings. My journey is incomplete. I hope you will complete it for me.” This was purposely rewritten to reflect how Ip Man would later spread his Wing-Chun style all over the world.

ME+WE Call For Entry
Final Call.png

由即日起直到 2021年 9月20日,我們將公開收集你與另一半的故事,並揀選其中10對愛侶,由Eunice操刀分別進行10次戶外寫真拍攝,根據二人的故事進行創作,紀錄每段關係的原始狀態,並於網站及社交媒體刊登。

Beginning today through to 20th September 2021, we are seeking submissions from you about your story with your partner. Ten submissions will be selected to take part in one-on-one outdoor portrait sessions with Eunice. Our aim is to capture ten unique stories in photo format about each couple. The series will feature on our digital platforms.



Please email the following info using the subject line - ME+WE Call for entry - to :

  1. 你和伴侶的名字,所在城市。
    You and your partner’s name, and the city you live in.


  2. 二人相識經過。(100字內)
    A brief description of how you met (max 200 words).


  3. 如果你們的關係是一件物件,它會是甚麼?請簡單解釋。(可獨立或共同回答)
    If you were to describe your relationship as an object, what would it be and why? (Answers can be submitted as a couple or as individuals)


  4. 二人合照。
    Photo(s) of the couple.

  • 性別不限,膚色不限,但抱歉由於疫情的制限,拍攝只能挑選身處香港的朋友。
    We welcome submissions from couples of all backgrounds without prejudice, but please understand we can only select couples in HK for the photo sessions due to pandemic restrictions.


  • 身處海外的朋友也歡迎投稿,編輯部會整理你們的資料及照片,以電子形式與讀者分享。
    Our editing team will share any overseas submissions in an online format with our readers.


  • 截止日期 2021年9月20日,費用全免。
    This call for entry is absolutely free of charge and ends 20th September 2021.

Eunice Li Photography 寫真作品

All Images Copyright © Eunice Li Photography

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